Low cost passenger airport taxi transfers from Landeck (Austria) to Ischgl.
Simply use the QUICK QUOTE generator, select your pickup time, check the price and follow the simple steps to make your booking in only a couple of minutes. No hidden fees!
Hints for the best price quotes:
Once you complete your booking you can relax in the knowledge that your transfer will be waiting for you. If you arrive or depart to/from Landeck-Zams train station (Bahnhof Landeck-Zams), please provide in booking data your arrival or departure time.
Useful information about Landeck - Ischgl transfers
Landeck is located in the West Tyrol region. Usually the most requested transfers are from Landeck-Zams train station (Bahnhof Landeck-Zams) to Iscgl, Galtur, Serfaus and Fiss. Official Ladeck-Zams site here
If your pick-up is in Landeck-Zams train station
Arrival pickup time - driver will wait you in the arrivals.
If your pick-up is in Ischgl to Landeck-Zams train station
Departure pickup time - please choose your pickup time to be in the train station at least 30 min before your departure time.
In winter season Saturdays and Sundays are the most bussy days for passenger transfers with most heavy traffic. Therefore for these days it is necessary to count at least 30 min more in transfer time compared to week days transfers.
EuroAirport Basel to Ischgl | 450.00 € |
Friedrichshafen airport to Ischgl | 280.00 € |
Innsbruck airport to Ischgl | 145.00 € |
Memmingen airport to Ischgl | 310.00 € |
Munich Airport to Ischgl | 310.00 € |
Zurich airport to Ischgl | 330.00 € |